Skin in the Game: Inclusion and Accountability in Tech Sector

Skin in the game: Why we’re leading a push for inclusion & accountability in the tech sector

The technology sector has historically excluded minority and women workers. Underrepresented people of color hold just nine percent of technical roles in the sector with above-average attrition rates. And women hold about one-third of entry-level tech jobs.

But inclusion isn’t just a matter of racial and gender justice. McKinsey & Company research shows that companies with leading approaches to inclusion are more likely to have above-average financial returns.

That’s why Zevin Asset Management began researching companies’ strategies to promote diversity and retain the most talented tech workers, no matter where they’re from or what they look like. We also channeled our clients’ investor voices for positive impact, challenging companies to link reasonable inclusion goals to the CEO’s paycheck.

Pat Miguel Tomaino has the story on our tech sector work and a look ahead in our latest Impact Brief. 

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