Caretaking and Human Capital: Investors on Paid Family Leave

Caretaking & Human Capital: Why we’re leading an investor project on paid family leave

America faces a caregiving crisis. Approximately 87 percent of private sector workers in the United States do not have access to a single day of paid family leave. This can drive risk and opportunity for companies. Companies offering paid family leave to all workers, not just those at the top, report improved morale, as well as cost savings from less employee turnover.

In the absence of policy at the federal level, last year Zevin Asset Management decided it was time for responsible investors to ask companies about paid family leave policy and push big employers in the right direction. As featured in a recent issue of Fortune, our shareholder advocacy has already helped win key changes at major companies like CVS Health, Starbucks, and Walmart.

Pat Miguel Tomaino has the story on our paid family leave work and a look ahead in our latest Impact Brief.

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